Presentation of MeID, a digital identity platform that seeks to provide security and cover the identification needs for the development of enterprises, innovation and technologies at a national and international level. With the aim of proposing inclusive development and opening opportunities for entrepreneurs to join the progress of WEB 3.
- Date: Wednesday, June 8th, 2022
- Time: 09:00 AM
- Place: Convention Center, City of Knowledge, Panama City, Rep. of Panama
- Welcome and Introduction – Dayra Navarro
- Opening – Dr. Eduardo Ortega-Barría y Prof. Jorge Arosemena
- WEB 3.0 – Alejandro Carbonell – Web 3.0 is the evolution of Internet 2.0, whose goal is a computer network in which all data interacted by users becomes easier and safer. Security therefore has become increasingly crucial in data navigation. Therefore, the development of digital identities has become the priority of large companies to safeguard and protect user data, while providing control over it to users.
In this event, we will see the integration of applications and platforms with a digital identity, as well as offering MeID to cover vulnerabilities in terms of security and data protection, as well as user verification and authentication. - MeID in Web 3.0: Digital Identity Opportunities – Edgar Betts –MeID is an interoperable and omnichannel digital identity wallet, which makes it easy for companies and digital applications to validate, verify and authenticate users in a secure way, with the prior consent of users. The benefits of being able to “identify” users without the need for complex developments, in real time and giving users control over their data in a safe and protected manner, allows integrated companies to have a fraud-free ecosystem, reduce high costs of infrastructures required for data protection and to develop commercial and inclusive opportunities in a new digital era.
- EzMarketz: Secure Marketplace – Candy Chen – EzMarketz is a new multi-language marketplace that seeks to offer new, small and medium entrepreneurs the ease of doing business online globally. Shortly after its test launch, it encountered the common challenges of other platforms, such as the authenticity of its users and, consequently, the fraudulent transactions that they bring with them. In this segment, EzMarketz will present why and how they decided to affiliate with MeID, seeking to provide a secure platform free from fraud and fake accounts.
- Interoperability in Health Sector with Digital Identity – Massiel Mewa – As countries implement new data protection laws, they are also implementing laws that require the portability of information and the consent of users/patients, for which they oblige public and private entities in the sector, to have to standardize their systems and data, ensuring that not only the data is protected, but also that the information is unique, interoperable and with the consent of the user.
- 1decide.org: Open Platform for Digital Democracy – Ernesto Morales – 1decide.org is a community platform and social network that arises from the need for citizens to make decisions and make proposals between “real” or “authenticated” people of the same how other countries that have a digital identity work and where their citizens can exercise a digital democracy. Since 1decide.org is integrated with MeID, all users within this platform are authenticated, thus eliminating vote manipulation by fake accounts, call centers or bots, thus providing the benefit to citizens of collecting votes or signatures without incurring resources that would be required in a manual process.
- VerifyMe: User Verification – Gurpreet Manes – provides the functions of verifying and authenticating users securely, with PKI and under user consent. This application, affiliated with MeID, allows users in situations such as package delivery, to verify that the person who is being delivered, is the one to whom it is being delivered, verify their age or only provide their confirmation as a collaborator of the company without the need to share personal data of the person such as name, identification number, date of birth.
- Data Collection of Users with Digital Identity in Restricted Connectivity Environments – Roberto Rubio – The work of data collection in the field is hard work and at the same time important since the collector handles sensitive and personal information of the users. However, in an environment where users have a digital identity such as MeID, it allows users to instantly and limitedly share the information they want to share, without the need to share personal data they don’t want to share.
- Advantages and Integrations of RRPs to MeID – Si Ming Chen – All development, ecosystem or platform where data is exchanged, they share in common, the user as a denominating factor. The advantages offered by MeID or an interoperable and omnichannel digital identity, are innumerable for companies or RRPs (Trusted Partners), but mainly for users who will not only have the ease of managing all their credentials
- Closing and Presentation of Companies and Ventures – Mario Fernández – Closing remarks by the City of Knowledge Innovation Center with the presentation of the participating companies and ventures.